Saturday, February 20, 2021

DAP's on a Roll!


Ideas come to me easily. It is within the development stage where I find a challenge. Luckily, the world has YouTube. I’ve had a steadfast feast of information from world building to character development. And just when you think you’ve learned enough to get moving… tons more tumbles into your path. I am, however, having fun.

My fairytale book is moving along nicely. So far, I have a total of 16 verbal stories (2 of which will become separate books) just ready to be written down. Yesterday I read to my daughter the first draft of the first story – mostly to get a reaction. I struck gold! The Bean heard these stories all year and I was worried that she would get fed-up and walk out of the room. After all, she is notorious for things like that, but… Huzzah! She kept listening and wanted to know what happens next. She had useful questions and suggestions. The Bean remembered the characters from the other stories and I was thrilled that she could make the connections for each story.

Pride is real people and I’m full of it. The Bean’s interest was the very thing I needed to keep prodding on. I usually have an inner cheerleader for that but she was on vacation. My little beanie is now my biggest fan and I’m grateful to her.

In addition to the story, I am working on an illustration style for the book. I have been practicing a style which uses Zen doodles. I plan on using a model next time but I like the oversized eyes in this piece. I don’t think I will go with the big eyes for the book but I like it in this practice illustration. What do you think?