Thursday, June 12, 2014

Friday June 13th on a Full moon -- Once in a possible lifetime DAP TALES

I don't know if it is the moon and the date but I have been feeling very creative today. It's been fantastic! Don't to to talk too much about the work. I want to force myself to finish it. Feeling good. Feeling lucky -- that feeling is very new to me.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Aaaagrrrh DAP Tales!

Thinking of using pirate names to add to the fun of the LSS game. Feeling quite productive. Finally re-working the teachers edition and the play set. Made several mark-ups of the little playtime books -- all 29 of them! Designed more plates and worked on the mark-up for the GNG little books. I even worked out my new diet plan as well as my financial plan for the next 5 years. It's been a very good 3 days. More work than I've done in months. Hazarrrrrr!

Monday, June 9, 2014

The DAP Writing Process

I was invited to participate in Ana'Gia Wright's blog tour today and I am quite happy to share with y'all!
So... here goes...

1. What am I working on?
I think the correct question would be... What am I NOT working on? LOL! I am, to my own detriment, never parched for ideas (knock on wood). 'Focus' is really high on my list at this time. So I am attempting to focus on finishing my new book, "Midnight Kisses between Hippos and Fish"

2. How does my work differ from others in the genre? 
At first, I didn't think it did until people who read my work told me it was different. I love a challenge and my love for research really adds depth and richness to my stories in a way that I haven't been exposed to lately. If you can't find it, write it.

3. Why do I write what I do?
Well... It doesn't feel like a choice. I have so much fun with the stories in my head, that I am compelled to write it down and read them over and over again.

4. My writing process is...
To daydream the entire story. If I'm entertained, it makes it to paper. I often try to give myself a scheduled time to write, but in reality, I write when I feel compelled.

Feel free  to visit the following authors participating in the My Writing Process Blog Tour using the links below:

al-Falaq is a writer and illustrator living in Atlanta, Georgia. He loves cats and shares his home with an ornery fur ball with nine tales, at least! His collection of poetry and short stories, Threadbare is now available on Amazon.
al-Falaq usually writes the GNG on Location Blog for Georgia Nutts.

Yvonne Walker is a sweet Texas girl with a big heart, a huge brain and a gift for taking the stories in her head and putting them on paper.Yvonne is hard working but fun loving person whose daily life involves all things science and writing fiction. Her favorite saying which happens to sum up her life is, “Everyday is an adventure. So go live it because you never know what you are going to encounter!” She loves life and tries to live every day of it to the fullest with an open mind and a grateful heart. Yvonne currently lives in the Atlanta, Georgia area.

Jeani Brent has written a heartbreaking memoir called "Confessions of a Bullied Girl", which follows an insecure, knock-kneed little girl as she struggles to overcome the traumas her tiny California town doled out. From verbal abuse to rape, Jeani falls victim to bullying in all its most terrible forms.
When Jeani finally escapes the small town that had labeled her an outcast for so long, she slowly begins to see that it wasn't her all those years that was the problem; it was the hateful, small-minded people that surrounded her.
This bold memoir takes readers through Jeani's hell, and exposes the detrimental lifelong consequences that unchecked bullying can have.

Monday, June 2, 2014

That's some kind of DAP test

Working on a scientific project. So far it has worked twice. Keeping my fingers crossed. Planning to keep adding to this post.
April 12 -- 30 plus
April 24-- 50
May 12-- skipped
This test day was funny. All week I saw it and I was yelling like a crazy lady and shouting at the sky... "Are you trying to taunt me? I even made fun of Phil for not following instructions and making it fail. Then on June 13th at 12:42 am, I saw I had miss read the results. So the experiment is still on and I have to eat a crow when Phil gets home. LOL!
June 12 -- 500 plus 2
July 12 -- 5